If you’ve recently decided to start a new Surrogacy Journey or are currently in one, we know it’s an exciting but also 9-month long adventure. It takes mental and physical strength, as well as courage and hope! To stay positive this season, here are some fun and pregnancy-safe activities you can do while enjoying the incredible ride!
- Have a Picnic Outside
Being outdoors when it’s nice out makes us feel good! But you also get a healthy dose of Vitamin D for your body too! Here are some things you can do to host a lovely picnic for yourself, friends and family to enjoy.
- Find a Nice Park or Trail – They will have open space and sometimes public seating.
- Plan it when the weather will be nice by checking your local weather station.
- Ready supplies such as seating, a picnic blanket, utensils, plastic bags for bringing your dirty dishes home to clean, food to prepare for the trip out, and anything else you need.
- Bring entertainment if you’d like, such as a portable music player, book, or art supplies.
- Start a Scrapbook Adding Dried Leaves and Flowers
A Surrogate Journey is an experience like no other, and spring means the flowers are back in bloom! Why not remember it with a scrapbook full of milestones and memories?
- You can fill it with selfies, ultrasounds, and baby bump photos!
- Dried out leaves and flowers can make pretty decorations, as well as cut outs from old cards and newspaper. Try to find things that remind you of that moment in your journey!
- Including your IP’s in the activity can make it extra special!
- Grab a New Book, Game, or TV Series
Although springtime brings us warmer weather, it also comes with a lot of rain to nourish the ground. For those rainy days, why not find something entertaining to keep your spirits up?
- If you’re looking for recommendations, asking on social media can help out a ton!
- Don’t be afraid to try a new genre, spring is a time for fresh new things!
- Plan a Trip Out with a Friend, Family Member or Partner
When spring comes around, one of the best things we can look forward to is the nicer weather. Why not take advantage of it and get out for the day and do something you enjoy!
- Street markets, farmers markets, and local conventions are a great ideas since they start to open up again around this time of year
- Having a relaxing spa day is always good for the body and mind
- Start a Yard or Balcony Garden
Watching the baby grow inside your belly is exciting! Why not start gardening? You can watch as your plants grow along with the baby!
- If you don’t have a yard or an outside spot for planting, potted gardening can be just as fun! If you don’t have a balcony, you can still grow small herbs from your windowsill!
- You can grow healthy vegetables, fruits and herbs to enjoy later in your journey.
March 23, 2023
References: (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/healthy-pregnancy/healthy-pregnancy-guide.html)